Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spring 2011 Update

Alex will be 12 in a couple of weeks. She has decided that she would like to be called Alexandria most of the time. It makes her feel more "grown up" & elegant! The guys at my work call her Queen Alexandria. :) She has also discovered the game of basketball & has fallen in LOVE with it!

Alison hasn't changed much in the last few months except in ways that only family has noticed: attitude, behavior, all the good things!

Braden is 5 now & FINALLY potty trained with only a diaper at night. He's getting into baseball more & playing with superheroes, things most boys do. But he's still the most unique child I've ever met.

Jorden is 3 now & probably half way through with potty training. His art work is amazing & his knowledge of numbers, letters, colors & shapes are astounding. He can tell you what a pentagon, hexagon, etc is & can usually tell you how many sides there are on each one. He knows odd colors like: Magenta, etc... Unfortunately he's started wearing orthotic pieces in his shoes to help his knees & legs grow correctly. He also has to have tape across his legs (special medical tape) to help teach his muscles the proper way to walk & react. Apparently he walked too early (he refused to crawl). This put too much pressure on his knees too soon. But other than a little pain & having to wear shoes all the time, he's totally ok.

Hubby has a great job right now & can't wait to finish flight school to start flying planes on a regular basis.
We have started the "house" discussion. We'd like to find a house of our own nearby where we currently live but with a bit more space (inside & out) & move in the next year or two.

I've been staying busy with some family stuff that's occurred over the last few months with our girls. That will settle down soon & we'll be back to normal again.
*What is normal anyway??? LOL!!!*

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