Thursday, May 19, 2011

My son's meal prayers

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up abub us so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are. Thank you for this food. Thank you for everbody. Thank you for this house. Thank you for (insert daily activity, occurence, etc. Like stop raining, nana sick, playing with them, today it was underwear the boys were thankful for). Thank you for my burfday. (b-day was a month ago.)
Braden prays all of this. He raises his hand at the dinner table and says "can i please be the pray-er?". It's too hard to resist even though we know we'll be nearly choking trying to keep from laughing.

Abcdefg hijk lmnop(the lmnop is ran together very fast) qrs tuv w(dubbaboo) x y and z (now he speeds up to finish) now I know abc's, next time won't you sing wif me. And thank you for food. Thank you for dis house. Thank you for evrbudy. AMENNN!!

Sooooo cute and comical. But in reality you have to think about it. One is praying about things in the Heaven's and things we can only dream about. The other one's prayers cover everything from a to z in a short amount of time. I would never tell them to pray something different because they are always so serious and sincere when praying these cute prayers.
I wanted to share these so that you will get a laugh from the cuteness, but also to share that God sees their innocent hearts. They don't have to say big eloquent words. As adults we sometimes forget that it really is that simple to reach God. A word of thanks or a simple request works.

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