Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lindsey & Bob

We have those tiny black ants that most people have in their house in springtime.
Remedy: Spray & kill them.

NOT IN OUR HOUSE!! Our boys used to be scared to death of ANY bug, but somewhere along the way ants are no longered feared.

At first they were Lindsey & apparently there's only one girl ant in the world, because when the boys lose one & find another one, "it's Lindsey!!! We found Lindsey!!!" Well I guess Lindsey got lonely so Bob is at our house now too. 3 year old Jordy (a.k.a. Jorden) & 5 year old Braden can obviously tell the difference between the two. And OH MY GOODNESS, if you squish one, they are heartbroken. We have to squish or spray the ants when the boys are not in the same room & have NO IDEA what's going on or we have to take EACH ONE outside to it's family, because "Lindsey & Bob keep coming back in our house & doesn't want to stay in the dirt & get cold" according to Jordy.

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