Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Girls' Last Day of School (tomorrow)

Another year of school is behind us & after tomorrow my girls will be enjoying summer vacation!!! They are pretty excited about it. Now to entertain them for the summer. LOL!! There are a couple of camps or sports options they have to pick from. They turned down playing softball for a month & a half. We'll see what they pick to occupy their time. They have a lot of crafty things planned to do this summer.
Here are the girls at dinner right before we went to see Beauty & The Beast on Broadway in March.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My son's meal prayers

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up abub us so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star,how i wonder what you are. Thank you for this food. Thank you for everbody. Thank you for this house. Thank you for (insert daily activity, occurence, etc. Like stop raining, nana sick, playing with them, today it was underwear the boys were thankful for). Thank you for my burfday. (b-day was a month ago.)
Braden prays all of this. He raises his hand at the dinner table and says "can i please be the pray-er?". It's too hard to resist even though we know we'll be nearly choking trying to keep from laughing.

Abcdefg hijk lmnop(the lmnop is ran together very fast) qrs tuv w(dubbaboo) x y and z (now he speeds up to finish) now I know abc's, next time won't you sing wif me. And thank you for food. Thank you for dis house. Thank you for evrbudy. AMENNN!!

Sooooo cute and comical. But in reality you have to think about it. One is praying about things in the Heaven's and things we can only dream about. The other one's prayers cover everything from a to z in a short amount of time. I would never tell them to pray something different because they are always so serious and sincere when praying these cute prayers.
I wanted to share these so that you will get a laugh from the cuteness, but also to share that God sees their innocent hearts. They don't have to say big eloquent words. As adults we sometimes forget that it really is that simple to reach God. A word of thanks or a simple request works.

Lindsey & Bob

We have those tiny black ants that most people have in their house in springtime.
Remedy: Spray & kill them.

NOT IN OUR HOUSE!! Our boys used to be scared to death of ANY bug, but somewhere along the way ants are no longered feared.

At first they were Lindsey & apparently there's only one girl ant in the world, because when the boys lose one & find another one, "it's Lindsey!!! We found Lindsey!!!" Well I guess Lindsey got lonely so Bob is at our house now too. 3 year old Jordy (a.k.a. Jorden) & 5 year old Braden can obviously tell the difference between the two. And OH MY GOODNESS, if you squish one, they are heartbroken. We have to squish or spray the ants when the boys are not in the same room & have NO IDEA what's going on or we have to take EACH ONE outside to it's family, because "Lindsey & Bob keep coming back in our house & doesn't want to stay in the dirt & get cold" according to Jordy.

Cute Things My Kids Say

This post I'll update frequently.

Jorden: Spaketball (with a lot of gusto in his voice) = Basketball
Jorden: Lub oos = Love you
Braden: I came in the house talking to my sister on the phone. "Mama, can we get in the car & drive REALLY fast to go see Aunt A., H. & Bebe E.?" All this while making the driving motions with his hand and body. LOL!!!
(names left out on purpose)

Yummy dinner

For something different for dinner try this:
Instant oatmeal with small chunks of apples and then add some cinnamon.
Banana peanut butter hot dogs - hot dog buns with peanut butter. Add slices of bananas and more nuts. I used pecans. Hide something a little sweet in there like chocolate chips. I added a few cherry chips.
The kids loved them. Their faces were so cute when they discovered the cherry chips hidden under the bananas in the peanut butter.

Spring 2011 Update

Alex will be 12 in a couple of weeks. She has decided that she would like to be called Alexandria most of the time. It makes her feel more "grown up" & elegant! The guys at my work call her Queen Alexandria. :) She has also discovered the game of basketball & has fallen in LOVE with it!

Alison hasn't changed much in the last few months except in ways that only family has noticed: attitude, behavior, all the good things!

Braden is 5 now & FINALLY potty trained with only a diaper at night. He's getting into baseball more & playing with superheroes, things most boys do. But he's still the most unique child I've ever met.

Jorden is 3 now & probably half way through with potty training. His art work is amazing & his knowledge of numbers, letters, colors & shapes are astounding. He can tell you what a pentagon, hexagon, etc is & can usually tell you how many sides there are on each one. He knows odd colors like: Magenta, etc... Unfortunately he's started wearing orthotic pieces in his shoes to help his knees & legs grow correctly. He also has to have tape across his legs (special medical tape) to help teach his muscles the proper way to walk & react. Apparently he walked too early (he refused to crawl). This put too much pressure on his knees too soon. But other than a little pain & having to wear shoes all the time, he's totally ok.

Hubby has a great job right now & can't wait to finish flight school to start flying planes on a regular basis.
We have started the "house" discussion. We'd like to find a house of our own nearby where we currently live but with a bit more space (inside & out) & move in the next year or two.

I've been staying busy with some family stuff that's occurred over the last few months with our girls. That will settle down soon & we'll be back to normal again.
*What is normal anyway??? LOL!!!*