Thursday, March 21, 2013

Legacy Thursday - Spring Flowers (03/21/13)

Nana had more than a green thumb. She had TWO green thumbs and ALL green fingers! That woman knew how to grow flowers! Me? I just kill them. I've never been good at growing plants or animals. My kids are doing ok so far, so I guess raising kids is easier than plants. *hehe*

Nana always knew when to plant flowers, how close together and which ones looked good together. She also wasn't afraid to prune bushes or pick dying blooms off for better looking flowers. I have ALWAYS wanted a yard with beautiful flowers. I want a breathtaking view each time I arrive at my home or look out my windows. I want friends and family to visit and be taken away by the beauty God's plants can provide. I must admit I want my neighbors to be a little jealous.

This year I am going to give it another try. I will document my attempts at flower gardening and the progress I make.

Thinking about Nana and her flowers also makes me think of our walk with God. There are times we get pruned and picked on, but we can choose to "die" or to come through and be more beautiful afterward. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they weather a storm. After experiencing wind and rain the flowers, if not completely broken, will come back to a more vibrant and colorful life than anyone has ever seen. The dirt is washed away and the brightness shines through.
Just as the rays from the sun sends life giving energy to the flowers, so the Heavenly Son has provided life giving energy to our souls, our hearts, our bodies & our minds.
It is also important where we "plant" ourselves. We must make sure that we are surrounding ourselves with Godly things and not those things that can lead us away from God.

These are just a few of Nana's flowers. In celebration of the beginning of Spring I wanted to share some of her flowers. I have MANY more pictures that will be posted over the next few months.

(Thank you to my sister, Amanda, for providing the following pictures.)

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