Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Adventures in Pictures Wednesday - 04/17/13

I have decided to change Wordless Wednesday to Adventures in Pictures Wednesday. I am a bit OCD when it comes to pictures. I love to title pictures. LOL!!
It's been a big week! Enjoy!!

Getting a silver crown.
He was actually happy about it!
99 Stickers!!
Only PART of the stickers.
They were on the other side
of his arm and on his neck too.
Trip to icy central/north Oklahoma in APRIL!
Trip to icy central/north Oklahoma in APRIL!
Big 7 for the Birthday Boy

Birthday Boy proud to show
off his cutting skills. LOL!
Jake Cake as the Birthday Boy called it.
Birthday Boy after his car race!!
Biggest Sister racing the Birthday Boy
Birthday Boy & Little Brother playing
Connect Four
Birthday Boy blacklight bowling
Ms. Alison's spring picture. She's growing up.
One of our great artists.
Freehand Wolf/Snow picture

My weakness!!! A Maple Pecan Danish!

Look what the 3 month old
Princess Fairy can do now!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Jorden's Funnies

Jorden: while peeling a cutie (orange) very late at night instead of going to bed and talking about them suddenly says "Speaking of fish". That was it. I said "I didn't know we were talking about fish". He then went on talking about the oranges.

Jorden: When Daddy is talking or teasing him "Daddy, you full of jokes".

Definition of Nibbles: boff (both) boy & girl (explanation follows)
At dinner a few nights ago Jorden, 5 yrs old, had his Bunny sitting in the chair with him and he was feeding Bunny then took a bite for himself, then he wiped Bunny's face with a napkin. We asked him what Bunny is, a boy or a girl?
He said, "A boy. (paused then said) A girl. Bunny is boff. Bunny is a Nibble."
Me: "What is a Nibb
Jorden: "It's boff, a boy AND a girl at the same time. And we're twins."
My Sister: "Who is Bunny's Mama?"
Jorden: "He doesn't have one. He doesn't have a Daddy"
My Sister: "Where did he come from f he doesn't have a Mama & a Daddy?"
Jorden: "UH, GOD MADE HIM!! See he is made from stuffing & sew (sewed together)." Then he proceeds to show us the tiny rip mark on Bunny to prove his point.

So a Nibble is a boy & a girl. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

While driving home from church on Easter Sunday my Mom and I were discussing flowers I want to plant in our flower beds. We had been discussing Creeping Phlox, but I couldn't remember what they looked like. We seen some planted around a mailbox and my Mom said, "See, those are Creeping Phlox." Jorden pipes up with, "What's Freakin' Splox?"

I am an Atlanta Braves baseball fan. My sister is a Philadelphia Phillies fan. This week is opening week of Baseball. Monday night it was a house divided. My sister and my oldest daughter and oldest son were rooting for the Phillies. My middle daughter and youngest son and I were rooting for the Braves. Last night I had a company dinner and while I was gone my kids watched a baseball game. When I came home Jorden told me he switched teams. He said he was on the Phillies team. 
Me: Who is on my team with the Braves.
Jorden: I am! 
Me: You can't be on both.
Jorden: Yes, I can.
Me: You're a traitor
Jorden: Only a little. But I'm still on your team too. (While holding is fingers and thumbs together in a tiny measurement.)

While looking at jewelry with my sister the catalog also has lingerie (tasteful PJ's & gowns) at the end. Jorden's comments were as follows:
"Sweet Mama"
"Sweet Baby"

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Legacy Thursday - Worries

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the definition of worry is: "to afflict with mental distress or agitation : make anxious" (
The Bible's take on worry: (This is a small list.)
Psalms 55:22 Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 12:25 Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.
Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
Matthew 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Matthew 11:28-30 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
John 14:1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
With the definition and the Bible verses about worry why do we, as humans, worry? We are too weak on our own to trust that the higher power of God really is all knowing and has it under control. Nana used to tell me it was a sin to worry since we are told many times throughout the Bible NOT to worry and that God can see all our future. But she still worried. She would pray about something and try not to worry, but she did not always accomplish this. That was because she was human as we all are. She would often tell me that she'd been frettin' and stewin' over something. But I can also say that I often saw her praying about her worries. How often does your family see or hear you praying about your worries? Does your family know that you are striving to leave it in the hands of God?
I often worry. I shouldn't, but I do. I understand that many things cause us to worry. There is a huge list and everyone's 'worry list' is different. Here are some of mine past and present): family, health of my family, finances, job security, legal matters, vehicle situations, how other people feel about me and/or my family, homeschool, the future, the unknown and on & on. I can honestly tell you that when my worrying reaches it's peak points I get physically sick and cranky. My body shakes inside. My head hurts. My patience level is almost non existant.
Now tell me what logical sense it makes to worry? Worrying will change NOTHING!! Since I will never have the ability to look into the future I should get over it and take each day as it comes while striving to do my best. If we pray and make the best decision possible then there is nothing more to do. I have felt a spirit of worry the last few weeks and it is getting to me. I write this today as a step of admitting I have a problem with worrying and not trusting God. I am holding myself publicly accountable to laying it in God's hands and trusting my future to Him.
I challenge you to finding one worry each week you would like relief from. Pray about it then take the steps needed for that situation. Once you have prayed and then put action into the situation, whether it be a budget for finances, a new health routine, a daily prayer time, or a set aside time for you to relax, I challenge you enjoy the day as it is given to you by God!
Here's to a Worry Free Life!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Legacy Thursday - Spring Flowers (03/21/13)

Nana had more than a green thumb. She had TWO green thumbs and ALL green fingers! That woman knew how to grow flowers! Me? I just kill them. I've never been good at growing plants or animals. My kids are doing ok so far, so I guess raising kids is easier than plants. *hehe*

Nana always knew when to plant flowers, how close together and which ones looked good together. She also wasn't afraid to prune bushes or pick dying blooms off for better looking flowers. I have ALWAYS wanted a yard with beautiful flowers. I want a breathtaking view each time I arrive at my home or look out my windows. I want friends and family to visit and be taken away by the beauty God's plants can provide. I must admit I want my neighbors to be a little jealous.

This year I am going to give it another try. I will document my attempts at flower gardening and the progress I make.

Thinking about Nana and her flowers also makes me think of our walk with God. There are times we get pruned and picked on, but we can choose to "die" or to come through and be more beautiful afterward. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they weather a storm. After experiencing wind and rain the flowers, if not completely broken, will come back to a more vibrant and colorful life than anyone has ever seen. The dirt is washed away and the brightness shines through.
Just as the rays from the sun sends life giving energy to the flowers, so the Heavenly Son has provided life giving energy to our souls, our hearts, our bodies & our minds.
It is also important where we "plant" ourselves. We must make sure that we are surrounding ourselves with Godly things and not those things that can lead us away from God.

These are just a few of Nana's flowers. In celebration of the beginning of Spring I wanted to share some of her flowers. I have MANY more pictures that will be posted over the next few months.

(Thank you to my sister, Amanda, for providing the following pictures.)

Wordless Wednesday - 03/20/13

OKC Thunder
Fairy Land

Disclaimer: Car was parked