Friday, April 5, 2013

Jorden's Funnies

Jorden: while peeling a cutie (orange) very late at night instead of going to bed and talking about them suddenly says "Speaking of fish". That was it. I said "I didn't know we were talking about fish". He then went on talking about the oranges.

Jorden: When Daddy is talking or teasing him "Daddy, you full of jokes".

Definition of Nibbles: boff (both) boy & girl (explanation follows)
At dinner a few nights ago Jorden, 5 yrs old, had his Bunny sitting in the chair with him and he was feeding Bunny then took a bite for himself, then he wiped Bunny's face with a napkin. We asked him what Bunny is, a boy or a girl?
He said, "A boy. (paused then said) A girl. Bunny is boff. Bunny is a Nibble."
Me: "What is a Nibb
Jorden: "It's boff, a boy AND a girl at the same time. And we're twins."
My Sister: "Who is Bunny's Mama?"
Jorden: "He doesn't have one. He doesn't have a Daddy"
My Sister: "Where did he come from f he doesn't have a Mama & a Daddy?"
Jorden: "UH, GOD MADE HIM!! See he is made from stuffing & sew (sewed together)." Then he proceeds to show us the tiny rip mark on Bunny to prove his point.

So a Nibble is a boy & a girl. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

While driving home from church on Easter Sunday my Mom and I were discussing flowers I want to plant in our flower beds. We had been discussing Creeping Phlox, but I couldn't remember what they looked like. We seen some planted around a mailbox and my Mom said, "See, those are Creeping Phlox." Jorden pipes up with, "What's Freakin' Splox?"

I am an Atlanta Braves baseball fan. My sister is a Philadelphia Phillies fan. This week is opening week of Baseball. Monday night it was a house divided. My sister and my oldest daughter and oldest son were rooting for the Phillies. My middle daughter and youngest son and I were rooting for the Braves. Last night I had a company dinner and while I was gone my kids watched a baseball game. When I came home Jorden told me he switched teams. He said he was on the Phillies team. 
Me: Who is on my team with the Braves.
Jorden: I am! 
Me: You can't be on both.
Jorden: Yes, I can.
Me: You're a traitor
Jorden: Only a little. But I'm still on your team too. (While holding is fingers and thumbs together in a tiny measurement.)

While looking at jewelry with my sister the catalog also has lingerie (tasteful PJ's & gowns) at the end. Jorden's comments were as follows:
"Sweet Mama"
"Sweet Baby"

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