Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Writing Journey

I have dabbled with blogging off & on for a couple of years. Now I've decided to tackle it "for real". Up until now I've worked 30 hours a week, homeschooled, and did the "normal" family errands. I didn't have time to put everything into words. I wish I had, because it would be great to see how far we've come as a family.

Why the change? Our 5th child will be here in a few days & I will be staying home with my family. I used to love writing. Lately my writing has consisted of "chore lists", grocery lists, and DON'T FORGET to do lists. I am excited to start writing again. I can't wait to write about the goofy things my kids do & say. I am anxious to share the occasional homeschool journey update. I feel the need to share our experiences with our kids who have been diagnosed with learning or behavior "issues". I also enjoy sharing a review of movies, TV shows, toys, etc... from time to time. And I look forward to venturing into writing about leaving a legacy as my Grandmother, Nana, left for me. But those legacy writings won't happen for a while yet.

I look forward to what is yet to come.

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