Friday, October 15, 2010


I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Dana. Wife to my sweetheart, Cody. He is in the middle of a career change after having multiple back procedures & back surgery. Soon he will have a Private Pilot's License to fly small planes then onto to a commercial license & to be a flight instructor. I'm so proud of him.

Mama to Alexandria, a.k.a. Alex, who is 11 & hitting the dramatic preteen years. She's had some bad luck lately with a broken finger & then 2 months later a broken elbow on the same arm. Alex loves music & playing music.

Mama to Alison who is almost 9 (in about 1 more month). She's quite the little artist and fashion designer. I can't wait to share some of her art work & clothing designs on here.

Mama to Braden, a.k.a. Bubby, who is 4 & without a doubt the oddest-funniest child I've ever met. After 12+ years of babysitting, he's a very unique child. He keeps us laughing on a regular basis. I hope to post some of his goofy pictures & videos on here. He LOVES to play dress up & wear one glove (Michael Jackson style) & my high-heels. He is a very good artist & likes to draw ALOT!! He likes sports & can do most everything with both right & left hands.

Mama to Jorden, a.k.a. Jordy, who is 2 (3 in december) & is all boy!! He's into sports & likes his food & being the typical baby of the family. He's VERY comical & is a great artist! For being 2 years old, he can draw better than many adults & knows most of the alphabet by sight & knows his numbers & shapes (including the weird ones) & colors!

I will share their funny adventures & the funny things they say. I'll also share photos & videos of the kids. Sometimes I just want to vent about motherhood & want to hear support & advice. At other times I can share the tips I've learned on my own or that my sister & other friends have shared with me.


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